Think how beautiful the world would be if, just by looking at it through a violet lens, women could suddenly walk safely in the street at any time of day or night, dressed and made up as they want, without justifying themselves to anyone for their aesthetic choices or having to suffer catcalling or harassment. How wonderful it would be if the gender gap were just a distant memory; if relationships based on control and patriarchy remained only in the stories of great-grandmothers. If there were no prejudices, clichés or stereotypes that condition the free choices of every woman.
ALYSI and DonnexStrada want to think that this New World can and must exist.
It is a non-profit association founded and managed by very young women who work to raise awareness against gender violence on the streets, so that walking alone in your own city is no longer an act of courage.

FREEDOM is a right, not a demand.
It's the end of March when, after hearing the news of yet another case of femicide committed on the street, clinical psychologist Laura De Dilectis decides to concretely help women feel safer when they return home in the evening.
Thus, with a call to action on Instagram, the DONNEXSTRADA project was born, which immediately went viral, with 140k followers gained in 12 months on the Instagram page of the same name.
Today DONNEXSTRADA is an association that offers concrete help to victims of gender violence, while at the same time providing tools to prevent the repetition of those dynamics. Claiming the fundamental and inalienable right to return home safely, building an active network on social media and in the territory to promote concrete collective participation, re-educating society against gender violence and psychologically supporting anyone who suffers discrimination.
The DONNEXSTRADA association offers simple, effective and concrete tools to make everyone feel safe, especially women. It is a right that must be defended.
Contact the association via the website www.donnexstrada.org or via email at info@donnexstrada.org
“Incredible things happen when women support each other” is the phrase that appears on the limited edition Made in ALYSI T-shirt.
There are only 100 pieces on sale starting from March 8th, in the ALYSI boutiques, Milan – Ponte Vetero 6 and Rome – Borgognona 42, and in the online store, while stocks last.
Just like a bond of friendship between women, the same is true for DONNEXSTRADA and ALYSI, a liaison, even before a partnership, between two realities that look at change with optimism, implementing it every day, not just on pre-established occasions.
Through this project we want to convey a message of empowerment as an answer to the problem. The solution lies in self-esteem, in hope, in union. With a view to going beyond clichés, envy between women is a concept that is no longer in fashion. This synergistic union between ALYSI and DXS wants to convey that support is cooler, always.
“We chose to make the first DONNEXSTRADA T-shirt with ALYSI, from a concrete, artisanal perspective. A writing that reminds us every day of the strength of love and a number to tell us that every story is unique, ours. We hope that many women and others can find themselves and smile at this powerful phrase, to wear and give as a gift to those you love. To make a true gesture of love and celebration towards yourself and others. We no longer want to just talk about the problem, we want to demonstrate that change is in our hands. This is empowerment.” declared Laura De Dilectis, founder of DONNEXSTRADA.
Empowerment is precisely the common denominator between DXS and ALYSI, two realities made by and of women . “We at ALYSI make female empowerment our favorite dress: we like to think that the best product that can be put on the market today is self-confidence, that ingredient that every woman should wear every day! For us, the right outfit has the magical power to make you feel at ease, with yourself and with others. This T-shirt brings around a "wearable thought" that talks about collaboration, support, empathy, and we hope it can inspire a new approach among women!" Valentina Celata, Creative Director of ALYSI.
The proceeds from the sale of the T-shirts will be donated to the construction of DONNEXSTRADA services and projects.

The Donnexstrada team is made up of psychologists and psychotherapists. It is a safe and prejudice-free space aimed at helping women develop strategies to deal with all those dynamics that hinder their well-being.
Their core business is:
Revenge Porn, Stalking, Cyberstalking, Domestic violence, Sexual violence, Psychological violence, Economic violence, Support for victims who report, Maltreatment/abuse and trauma, Minors in vulnerable situations, Sexology, EMDR, Couples therapy, Anger management, Trauma , Female empowerment, Assertive communication, Management of emotions, Self-esteem, Emotional dependence, Inhabiting one's body, Identity, Relationship difficulties
Contact the association via the website www.donnexstrada.org or via email at ufficiopsicologico@donnexstrada.org

Donnexstrada offers an initial free civil and/or criminal consultation and in the event of further defensive activity the compensation will be at a controlled cost.
They offer advice on:
Revenge Porn, Harassment, Stalking, Cyberstalking, Sexual violence and harassment, Private violence, Family abuse, Threats, Personal injuries, Separation, Divorces, Protection orders against family abuse, Compensatory judgments, Proceedings before the juvenile court, Forfeiture or limitations of parental responsibility
Contact the association via the website www.donnexstrada.org or via email at ufficiolegale@donnexstrada.org